Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bella gets older, gains spine

I'm sure you have all at least heard of the Twilight series books and movies coming out. You know the deal: girl falls in love with vampire, he falls in love with her, chaos ensues.

Reading the books I was struck by how abusive many of the relationships are.

Apparently we are supposed to quietly smile and accept it when author Stephanie Meyers writes that the werewolf's girlfriend Emily is permanently scarred from her fiance, who lost control just once.... And he feels really bad about it and anyway she loves him so it's ok, right?

Or what about Jacob, Bella's best friend, who tells her that Bella should kiss him like she means it or else he'll kill himself?

This classic case of emotional abuse ends not in Bella telling Jacob exactly where to shove it, but in her kissing him and realising just how much she really loves him.

In my books, this is not the way that story would end.

Bella would tell Jacob that if he wants to be emotionally abusive, she will not have any part in it.

Vampire boyfriend who seems ready to off himself at the slightest sign that Bella isn't doing well would also be history.

Sure, it would be painful.

Bella might even cry a few tears.

But in the end she would know that despite the pain, having a full and abuse-free life is well worth it.

After all, teenage angst can only last for so long.

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