Saturday, November 28, 2009

Teen girl slang

That's right; I'm publically admitting of having been one of "those" teen girls. One of those teen girls who loves to talk. One of those teen girls who loves to say "like" a lot.

This has led me to believe that when it comes to simplifying content to be more easily understandable and versatile, teenage girls are actually geniuses.

Consider the many different meanings and connotations teen girls have managed to pack into the single, simple and efficient word "like"...

"I like to dance" Synonym: enjoy.
"It was like he wanted to get hit". Synonym: "as though"
"It was like a two-year olds day dream" Synonym: "Similar to"
"Like, what's with that?" Synonym: "I mean"
"And I was like, what the hell?" Synonym: "was thinking and also giving the impression that I/you/ze was thinking"
"Is he like, an idiot or something?" Synonym: well actually in this case you don't really need the word at all. BUT... it gives the impression that the speaker is putting into question the statement that she is making so as to leave room for differing opinions... how very cosmopolitan and open-minded of you, teen girls....

(Another example of this)
"He's like an imbecile, eh?"

People tried to reform my teenage girl oattern of speach, telling me I sounded unintelligent. But who decides what intelligence is anyway? I sounded like what I was; a teenage girl. And how that became synonymous with unintelligent is another post all together.

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